The exchange rate will be refereshed at 0:00 and 12:00 UTC/GMT+08:00.
Calculations of the amount payable and the actual payment will both follow the real-time exchange rate.
Chất lượng siêu tốt, kiểu dáng khi mặc cũng rất đẹp, bạn bè đã yêu cầu tôi chia sẻ liên kết.
재질은 편안하지만 좀 더울 수도 있어요. 가을에 입으면 딱 적당할 것 같아요. 안감도 있어요. 제가 165cm인데, 치마는 소퇴꿈치 부분까지요.
Looks great. The size recommended by customer service fits perfectly. Would keep wearing this dress into the fall because it goes well with other clothes.